A Word from the President


Our mission is to provide positive environment for a child to stretch his inherent learning and competencies through a self-discovery process.

At BRJP, we consider each child a treasure entrusted to us who is in itself unique and ready to be molded. Emphasis is on learning something new and not to just mere teaching. Here we not only nurture but educate the child through a journey that leads to the attainment of the full potential of the child.

Our Endeavour is to equip our each student the moment they enter the school with life skills needed to face the real world. We nurture in them from an early age the skills of planning, organizing, questioning, reasoning, working in a team and dealing with challenges confidently and triumphantly.

We humbly prepare our students to think like global citizens, living with tolerance, respect, appreciative of diverse cultures and religions and provide them an experience of a lifetime for their lifetime to follow.
It is our Endeavor to establish a quality conscious school where...

    Values drive you towards excellence,
    Ethics strengthen you, and
    Traditions are fortified with modernity.

We provide holistic education where children evolve as individuals who are self motivated and creative individuals, who can think, question and reason out logically; individuals who are independent, confident and leaders capable of taking decisions with a drive to carter change.
For all-round growth and holistic development of student, I firmly believe in strong partnership between school and home. We expect the support and wholehearted involvement on the part of parents in all we do. Working together, we can make a difference to the child, the society and of course, the nation.

-Shri Jawaharlal G. Desai